6 Eco-Friendly Ways to Relocate

6 Eco-Friendly Ways to Relocate

Move to the eco-friendly green movement. Thinking of ways to be environmentally conscious while moving might be the last thing on your list, especially when you have so much to get done. But if you think about it, it will make a huge impact on our planet, and it’s simple if you keep the following in mind.

Greener Ways to Move

1. Use the Blue Bins

It’s obvious to clean and sort your things before the big move. The things you choose not to bring to your new home, like furniture, clothing, goods, and certain gadgets, should not be thrown away. Try to drive them to your local charity or donation and recycling facilities. You could even call a donation truck to pick up your items. Strive to be more eco-friendly and not add more waste to our landfills and oceans. Recycle them or give them to a good cause!

2. Coordinate a Garage Sale

Another eco-friendly option you can consider if you don’t want to recycle or donate is putting together a garage sale! This is a great way to make extra cash from what you don’t want.

3. Think Outside the Box

Get creative by eliminating cardboard boxes and using what you already have. Plastic tubs are great because they can be used multiple times and can also be used for additional storage. No plastic tubs? Using your luggage or suitcases, you’re already lugging to your new place, killing two birds with one stone! If you have no choice but to use boxes, grab them for free at your local grocery store so they can be recycled for your convenience.

4. Use “Clean” Cleaners

When cleaning both your old and new home, choose to use all-natural cleaning products. Green products are usually made of recycled materials which eliminate any chemicals taken to produce and package them. By using chemical-free cleaners, you’re lessening water pollution from going down the drain and decreasing air pollution, climate change, and ozone depletion.

5. Dispose of Waste Properly

Articles like batteries, electronics, home appliances, and paint cans should not be thrown in your recycling or garbage bin. Some of these objects require special disposing arrangements because they contain toxic substances like lead in batteries. Research and find resource recovery centers so these things don’t wind up in our environment.

6. Hire a Planet-Friendly Moving Company

Yes, they do exist! Put your money into a company that cares about our planet by providing recycled boxes, biodegradable supplies, and low emission trucks and hauling your donation and recycled items to a designated charity or resource-saving center. Champion Movers are proud to claim that they help our planet earth with every move!