Moving day can be a very stressful time. These hints and tips will help the move go more smoothly for you as well as the moving crew.
- Be prepared. Have everything boxed up, packed, and ready to go. The move will go more quickly and efficiently when you are completely prepared.
- Have the driveway or loading area cleared of all vehicles and debris prior to the moving crew’s arrival. The closer they can get the truck, the quicker the move will be completed.
- Transport all money, jewelry, firearms, and flammable liquids on your own, as the moving crew cannot transport these items.
- Keep all small children and pets in a separate area of the home to avoid any potentially dangerous situations. The safety of your children, pets, belongings, and the movers themselves is of the utmost importance.
- Be sure to discuss all questions concerning the paperwork and how the move will be performed with the foreman prior to the start of your move. If there are questions the foreman cannot answer, please feel free to contact the office.
- After completion of the move, make sure everything has been placed where you would like it. The final paperwork and payment should be handled by the foreman of the crew.* (see home page for methods of payment)
- While tipping the crew is common, in no way will gratuities ever be solicited, nor are they required. However, if you feel your crew went above and beyond and you choose to tip, please make arrangements separately from the bill.
Moving Time Frame
6-8 Weeks Before Your Move
- Call and set a date for us to visually survey your home and prepare a free estimate.
- If your company is paying for the move, refer to their moving policy as to services we can perform.
- Do you want to do any of the packings – or will you have it done by our experienced packers?
- Read our policy to understand our liability.
- Keep our phone number handy – 702-876-2343.
4-6 Weeks Before Your Move
- Notify the post office that you are moving. An online change of address form is available at USPS.com.
- Have a garage sale or use an online auction service to dispose of unwanted items.
- Donate unwanted clothing or household goods to charity. Obtain receipts showing the items’ approximate value for possible tax deductions.
- Begin to use up supplies of canned goods, frozen foods, and other household items. Buy only what will be used before moving.
- Prepare a list of who should be notified.
Utilities: electric, gas, water, telephone, sewer, trash, cable/satellite, fuel (oil/propane)
Personal Accounts: pharmacy, dry cleaner, lawn service, bank, credit cards, laundry, auto finance, health club
Services: doctor(s), dentist, accountant, lawyer, broker, insurance
Publications: newspapers, magazines, newsletters, journals
Government: department of motor vehicles, social security, state/federal tax bureaus, city/county tax assessor, veterans administration
2-3 Weeks Before Your Move
- Notify us if you add or subtract items from your planned move or if there are any date changes. Be sure to supply us with the destination address and phone numbers where you can be reached.
- Confirm any extra stops required to pick up or deliver goods to a location other than the main pickup or delivery points.
- If your car is being moved, be prepared to pick it up at a suitable destination location.
- Federal law requires that you dispose of flammables. Discard propane tanks from barbeque grills.
- Set a date for having utilities disconnected. If possible, plan to keep utilities in service until moving day.
- Have rugs and draperies cleaned. Leave both wrapped when they are returned from the cleaners.
- Obtain a written appraisal of antique items to verify value. Avoid waxing or oiling wooden antiques (and fine wood furniture) before moving because some products might soften the wood, making it vulnerable to imprinting from furniture pads.
If driving, have your car serviced for the trip.
1-2 Weeks Before Your Move
- Decide what to do with house plants. We cannot safely move your plants because they may suffer from a lack of water and light and probable temperature changes while in the van.
- Take pets to the veterinarian. Most states require health certificates and rabies inoculations. See that ID and rabies tags are securely attached to collars.
- Arrange for transportation of pets. Take them in the car or send them via air. Consider boarding pets at a kennel near your home until you are settled in the new city.
- Collect all items that are being cleaned, stored, or repaired.
- Return anything borrowed from friends or neighbors, and collect things you may have loaned.
1 Day Before Your Move
- Point out to packers any extra-fragile items that need special attention. Mark any items you do not want packed or moved, as well as cartons you will want first when the van arrives at the destination.
- If you are doing your packing, make sure everything is ready to go. Upon arrival, the van operator will check whether the boxes have been properly packed.
- Collect things you definitely want to be packed together and place them in separate groups.
- Unplug all electronic appliances to be at room temperature on a moving day.
- Double-check that closets and cabinets are empty.
Moving Day
- It is your responsibility to see that all of your goods are loaded, so remain on the premises until loading is complete.
- After making a final tour of the house, check the inventory.
- Make sure the van operator has the exact destination address. Be sure to let the van operator know how you can be reached, including phone numbers, pending the arrival of your household goods.
- Leave your phone connected throughout the moving day. After the van leaves and you finish last-minute calls, pack the phone in your suitcase.
- – Water shut off?
- – Furnace shut off?
- – Light switches off?
- – Have you left anything?
- – All utilities arranged for disconnection?
- – Windows shut and locked?
- – Old house keys surrendered?
- Be on hand to accept delivery. If you cannot be there personally, be sure you authorize an adult to be your representative to accept delivery.
- The van operator will attempt to contact you by phone and/or will make an appearance at the residence.
- Check your household goods as they are unloaded. If there is a change in the property’s condition from that noted on the inventory at the time of loading or if any items are missing, note discrepancies on the van operator’s copy of the inventory sheet. Personally report any loss or damage to us.
- When unloading, each piece of furniture will be placed as you direct. Place a floor plan of your new home by the entrance, which the movers can use to determine where each piece of furniture should go.
- Keep all documents about your move. You will need them to verify moving expenses when you file your federal income tax returns.
- Allow electronic equipment and major appliances 24 hours to adjust to room temperature before use.